Accredited Preschools in Frisco TX Set the Bar Higher

It is easy enough to find preschools in Frisco TX. However, when it comes to your child’s care and education, you want to be sure that he is getting the best of the best. Preschools are more than glorified daycare centers. More than a safe place for young children to be when parents must work or are otherwise committed, preschools are where children’s academic education begins. BabyCenter spells out the basic differences between preschools and daycares including:

  • age groups: preschools typically focus on children between the ages of 3 and 5
  • hours: preschools usually have shorter care hours and are closed on holidays and school breaks
  • education: while more daycare centers offer educational benefits, preschools are geared toward providing education

If you are purposely looking for a care provider option that includes a focus on education, the preschools in Frisco TX that are accredited are the ones that should be at the top of your list. The Early Learning Coalition points out that most preschools are licensed, and that is a feature that is a must to ensure that the facility meets the state’s minimum standards for safety, health, ratios and other issues. However, when a preschool is accredited, it means that it meets or exceeds high-quality standards that often address education. If a preschool has gone the extra mile to receive accreditation, you know that your child’s care, as well as his education, is a priority for them.

When you add the requirement of accreditation to your list of prerequisites for any preschool you consider, it will reduce the number of options you have. According to, less than 10 percent of the preschools in America have received accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). In addition to setting down stringent environmental requirements such as creating dust and pollen-free play areas and consulting a hazard specialist to troubleshoot dangers that could put students and teachers at risk, there is equally intensive focus on teaching practices and curriculum.

If you have been searching for an accredited preschool in Frisco TX, look no further than Apple Creek Preschool. It has all the elements you are looking for including NAEYC accreditation, as well as a certification by the Texas State Center for Early Childhood Development. Your child will get to learn from an award-winning curriculum, taught by extensively trained or degreed teachers in an environment with a low student to teacher ratio. Apple Creek Preschool has morning and afternoon classes available and you can choose from two, three or five-day programs to fit your child’s needs and your schedule. Call Apple Creek Preschool today at 972-334-0005 and arrange a tour.

Preschools Frisco TX
Apple Creek Preschool
7797 Stonebrook Pkwy
Frisco, Texas 75034
(972) 334-0005


Photo Credit: michaeljung


See The Difference In Accredited Hands-On Learning Today